Saturday, March 31, 2012

Drilling Holes In Floor Joists

I have been in the residential construction business for some time now and decided to start a home inspection business about 7 years ago. Some of the things I have found are really hilarious, others are down right scary. I decided to start this blog to share some of my daily experiences. Some of my posts will be just for laughs, others will aim to provide cautionary notes or things you should know when hiring a contractor or if you are a Do It Your Selfer.

Last week I inspected a home built in 1932. Nice house, home owners seemed to take good care of it. Everything was going fine until I got to the unfinished basement.

It is well known by competent contractors, you never drill through the bottom 2 inches of a floor joist. This contractor took the time to drill into, not one, but in excess of 20 joists. Severely compromising the structural integrity of the floor.
If you are unsure about the contractor's work, consider having it inspected before you write that final check.

Pro Spex Home Inspection Services

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